Sunday, July 5, 2015

Quinn Distracted

Quinn Distracted

20" x 16"
Oil on hardwood Panel

This painting was partially done for several weeks. After getting the design ready I did the under-painting with Burnt Umber to create forms and to adjust the values.

Then it sat while I did other projects.

Campbell chastised me that I should complete my paintings before moving on to do others.

This came together very rapidly when I restarted. The face and hair model so well.

Of the painting subject matter, Quinn doesn't like to miss anything going on nearby, although I might add that the Powers girls are champions at that also.

Thanks Quinn


  1. Aww... this is so cute- I miss my little baby! You did a great job with her face. I can't want to see it in person. Glad campbell is keeping that art studio running along efficiently.

  2. Thank you
    Yes, Campbell tried to keep me on task.
