Sunday, September 20, 2015

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

24" x 18"
Oil  on hardwood Panel
[click on the image to enlarge]

The painting was inspired by the morning routine at the Brock household, where a wonderful family is being raised in love and faith.

Rebecca took the reference photograph.

It feels a little intrusive to share this intimate moment even when posed.

I will probably continue to work on small problems with this painting - it is special to me, however for now it feels complete

Both cobalt and ultramarine blue were used, it gives some variation to the dress. There is even some ultramarine blue in the darkest areas of Emery's hair.

Painting this was a great experience.

It is interesting to consider how it would be altered in a white dress
Thank you to Rebecca and Emery

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Version with a higher value grey background


20" x 16"
Oil on hardwood Panel
[click on the image to enlarge]

Gweneth is a wonderful subject.

Just fun to be around.

Following her Grandma Lori's example, she likes all animals and is caring and warm.

Katie posted a group of pictures and I couldn't resist trying my hand at editing one of them to create a moment

I also painted this with grass, some shrubbery and a flower pot however in the end I liked the simple emphasis of the two of them.

Incidentally there is no blue in this palette. The eye 'reads' it as bluish because it is surrounded by warm yellows and reds.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wet Sand - 2

Wet Sand - 2

18" x 24"
Oil on hardwood Panel
[click on the image to enlarge]

I enjoyed the first time working with this subject, so I put a similar pose on a larger panel and reworked it. With a larger canvas more detail is needed to carry the effect.

This is a warmer palette. [Besides changing the hue for the swimsuit of course]

Campbell has strong features and I was pleased to be able to suggest her face with only a few hints of shadow.

There is a bit more emphasis on the ponytail feature this time. Only sand for the background, no horizon or sky influence captured.

I don't know which one I prefer.